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Optimized for Online Training

There are two ways you can direct your academic and non-profit users to Style Matters:

1) Users pay their own access.  For this, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   Include a brief description of the setting of your training and your best guess as to how many users you have.   We will invoice you, providing a URL for your users when purchasing Style Matters and a discount code to use when they pay.  In 2024 the discounted price is $16.   You email this info to your users and they take it from there, paying with credit card or Paypal.   

2) You pre-pay for users.  In this case, purchase from the options below.   You will receive an email immediately upon payment with a code that gives your users free access.   This email includes the suggested text for instructing your users. 

Your purchase for academic or non-profit users includes:

- A pre-paid Coupon Code with the draft of an email we suggest you send your users guiding them to the online inventory.

- Free download of "Trainers Guide to Successful Conflict Styles Workshops" and "Trainers Guide to Style Matters Online".

- Online access to "Intro to Conflict Styles" slideshow in Prezi and Powerpoint.

- Support for you and your users on an as-available basis (24-48 hours).


Results 1 - 8 of 8

Order for Academic and Non-Profit Use Here

FREE Trainers Guide to Conflict Style Workshops IN ENGLISH

40 page step-by-step guide to leading a conflict styles ...

Access Code for Pre-Paid Users

$12-$14 per user, depending on quantity. Pre-pay Style ...

Dashboard for Pre-Paid Users - Non-profit

$12-$14 per user, depending on quantity.

Order for$14.00

Anonymous User Access

This version allows users to take Style Matters ...

Order for$16.00

Intro to Conflict Styles POWERPOINT

Nine slide Powerpoint presents lucid intro to conflict ...

Order for$24.95

Intro to Conflict PREZI

Eleven slide "Intro to Conflict Styles" in Prezi ...

Order for$39.95

Quotes on Conflict


FREE Trainers Guide to Conflict Style Workshops In French

40 page step-by-step guide to leading a conflict styles ...