Lead Conflict Styles Training

Everything you need to lead learning about conflict styles. ...

Training from a Distance

Conflict styles training when time is tight or meeting in-person is di...

Trainers Guide to Conflict Styles

Learn the history of Style Matters and the training philosophy behind ...

Trainers Ask: Pencil-and-paper vs. Digital Format?

How much time to budget for your conflict styles workshop? It depends!...

Infographics on Getting Users to Style Matters

 These infographics show trainers two options for getting users to St...

Online vs. Paper in Conflict Styles Training

In conflict styles training, you have an option to use either a paper ...

Thomas Kilmann Reviewed

Strengths and flaws of a venerable conflict style inventory ...

Resources for Style Matters Trainers

Resources For Trainers Here's  what you need to design and imp...

Thomas-Kilmann, Hammer's ICSI, or Style Matters?

Besides Style Matters, there's the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instru...

Homework on Conflict Styles

Life spares no one from conflict.  So why don't professional schools ...