Infographics on Getting Users to Style Matters

 These infographics show trainers two options for getting users to Style Matters.

As a trainer you can use two different paths for providing pre-paid access to Style Matters users.  Both allow you to track who has taken the assessment.  Coupon Access requires no setup time for the trainer. The Dashboard has more tools to manage the user experience but takes 30-60 seconds per user to setup and manage.

Coupon Code Access




Choose Coupons if your priority is minimal setup. You just send out an email with instructions and the access code to your users, and they show up in your workshop with score report in hand. It has one function in addition to getting users to the inventory quickly and easily: You can monitor who has taken the inventory with the Coupon Manager. Your only time requirement as trainer is editing the suggested text we send you to forward to your users and emailing it to them.
Order Coupon Access.Order Coupon Access.

Choose Dashboard if your priority is ability to manage user experience. You can see all your users on the dashboard and delay delivery of the score report to users, view score reports, print, and email them; monitor who has taken and not taken the inventory, send reminder notes with a single click, create aggregated score reports for a group, etc.

Unlike the Coupon Manager, the Dashboard requires you to input user names and emails into the dashboard (manually or via file upload). Expect to invest 30-60 seconds per user into setting up and managing the dashboard.
Order Dashboard.