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Contact Riverhouse


Contact Riverhouse ePress


Riverhouse is run by a small staff scattered across several continents.  

We work hard to respond to queries or resolve problems promptly.  The surest way to a quick answer is email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  We monitor email closely and almost always will reply within one business day.

In all honesty, we like "squeaky wheels", because your pointing out some malfunction or confusing aspect on our site helps us improve things for everyone.  Especially if you are able to rise above the frustration you've experienced and communicate calmly to us, we truly consider you a friend, not a nuisance!

You can call us at 717-456-0441. We will reply to voice messages within one business day and usually less.

If you have trouble with the access code or login:

- Please indicate your school or instructor if you were directed to our site by someone.

- If you were given an "Access Code" indicate this.

- Describe briefly what happens when you try to login.  This increases our ability to fix your problem immediately rather than come back to you with questions.

- Give us your login and password (optional, but having it makes it easy for us to try ourselves and see what is going on).