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Print Version - Academic and Non-Profit Use                                           



Style Matters is available in the original print version.  We can ship printed copies to you or you can buy rights to reproduce a PDF copy of the same material. 

We support the print version with a free 40 page Trainers Guide to Successful Conflict Styles Workshops. You need only basic group facilitation skills to design and lead an effective workshop.  Download it free now!   

If you currently use the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument,  review a product comparison.

Read trainer testimonials about Style Matters


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Print Version - click here

Cópia de revisão gratuita do Style Matters em PDF

Cópia de revisão gratuita do inventário Style Matters mais ...

Rights to Reproduce Style Matters from PDF in English

Identical to our printed version, Style Matters in PDF is ...

Preço: $6.00

Rights to reproduce Style Matters from PDF in Spanish - Nonprofit

Identical to our printed version, Style Matters in PDF is ...

Preço: $6.00

Rights to reproduce Style Matters in French from PDF - Nonprofit

Identical to our printed version, Style Matters in PDF in ...

Preço: $6.00

Style Matters print version in Full Color

24 page inventory in full color in attractive cardstock ...

Preço: $16.00

Intro to Conflict Styles POWERPOINT

Nine slide Powerpoint presents lucid intro to conflict ...

Preço: $24.95

Manual GRATUITO para Instrutores de Workshops de Estilos em Conflitos

Guia passo a passo de 40 páginas para conduzir um workshop ...

FREE Trainers Guide to Conflict Style Workshops In French

40 page step-by-step guide to leading a conflict styles ...

Intro to Conflict PREZI

Eleven slide "Intro to Conflict Styles" in Prezi ...

Preço: $39.95